Friday, August 12, 2011

Welcome to _________

You may hum "Welcome to the Jungle" while you read this. Of course, if you live in Marshall County, it's probably still playing on repeat from the football stadium.

Not to say things weren't working out on the old site, but it wasn't all roses either... I got a keen feeling that some of the more conservative members of our little community were uncomfortable with the concept of checking one for tickmarks. [NOTE: I considered putting a conservative joke in here, but a) I didn't want to have to clarify that when I say conservative, I am in no way referring to politics and b) I couldn't think of a proper joke.] The name change also may have had something to do with me feeling slightly uncomfortable when trying to explain the concept of a tickmark as something other than a mark that a tick would leave on an individual's body.

Plus, this is easier to tell people when they ask me what my -ahem-blog-ahem- address is.

We'll open things up with some bullet points. These will serve as a guide for any rookies and a refresher for the veterans.

Things you should know to make your experience here a little easier:

  • If you're looking for a theme (e.g., travel, sports, current events, Lil' Wayne's effect on modern school children, etc.), might as well go on and hit that "Next Blog" button.
  • If you like profanity, naked pictures, or posts written while intoxicated, you're asterisks outta luck, though I can't promise you won't be able to say "That's what she said" after an occasional sentence.
  • I'm not a professional writer. On the contrary, I'm an auditor. As such, I'm probably the most interesting person you know. [NOTE: If you don't know me, awesome. Invite another random person to stop by.]
  • I am still uncomfortable with the term "blog," referring to myself as a "blogger," and/or using "blogging" as a verb.
  • I've tried my hand at this before. See?
  • A majority of my posts are written from airplanes. There are several reasons for this... Among them: interesting things happen in airports and airplanes, if people see me typing on a plane they'll think I'm important, and what else is there to do (aside from the obvious lite rock playlist on the iPod) on a plane?
  • I have a girl's name. I'm kind of proud of it. At least my parents built in my sense of humor via my birth certificate. I wouldn't have nearly as many funny introductions if my name were Tom. Though, I probably would get less mail addressed to "Ms. Sanders."
  • I have a tendency to get wordy. I acknowledge this, apologize, and am working on it.
Thank you for choosing [Insert final name selection here]. Please make sure your seatbelts are fastened and your seats and tray tables are in their full, upright and locked positions. Also, please ensure all electronic devices are turned off and stowed away, save for the one you're reading this on.

I literally just decided to try to implement trick points into the refreshed site. 10 trick points to the person who comes up with the name for this thing.

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